Gopro Hero 4 Setting for Airsoft

Gopro Hero 4 Setting for Airsoft


WHAT You'LL Demand:

– A GoPro Photographic camera
– Your Time
– Opposable Thumbs

SKILL REQUIRED: 3/ten Minimal
Fourth dimension REQUIRED: twenty minutes or less
Full COST: $0 (WooHoo!)

Congratulations on getting your new GoPro , now y'all're all gear up to capture some ballsy game footage and post it up on YouTube for the world to see. So information technology's just ability upwards, striking the tape push and get, right? Wrong. Yous may desire to rethink that strategy since with the standard settings you're only getting a fraction of what your new camera is capable of. Fear not, I have you covered with a full rundown on setting upwards your new action camera to get the best shots possible. Sit back and catch a pen, because information technology's time to get your blackness belt in GoPro-Fu!


Take it from me, nothing ruins a great solar day of playing and recording than getting back to the house only to find that your camera wasn't even aimed remotely in the correct direction. It's personally messed upwards some corking days of airsoft videos for me and I'yard going to help brand sure my bad experiences help forbid the same from happening to y'all.

Position on your caput matters and I have two tips gear up to make sure you're getting the angle y'all need to capture all of your crazy kill-streaks on the airsoft battlefield.

If you read my article two problems ago about my helmet rig, you're already going to know this one, if you didn't, fear non… I accept you covered. (Pro-Tip: a subscription to Airsoft Insider is a adept affair)

First, make sure you have your photographic camera mounted correctly. The ideal setup is a combination of a helmet and a GoPro NVG mount. Non that the head strap is a bad pick, simply the helmet mountain offers a much more stable platform and you'll end up with a less bouncy, more professional looking cease production.

If y'all tin can swing it, also grab the standard helmet mountain kit for the extra pieces. With these you tin can run your GoPro inverted on your helmet to get it closer to your sight line, and also get a amend angle when sighted down your airsoft gun.

The 2d tip is that yous're going to desire to bending up your camera a hair more than than you would to get a normal shot standing still. The reason for this is that when you lot are sighting down your airsoft rifle, you naturally tilt your head down to get a skilful await down your sights.

The all-time way to make sure you have the right bending is to bust out your camera and gun, pretend you're aiming at an enemy in the mirror and tape a few seconds to review on your computer or if you lot are lucky plenty to take a camera that supports it, alive review on your phone in real time.

After a few bending changes you should accept something that looks right when you lot're standing still and sighted downward. Congrats, yous're now 1/three of the way to getting your degree in GoPrology!


Before we swoop deep into the video settings, we demand to address perhaps the single most important factor of filming action video: The audio.

Out of the box, the GoPro has the potential for great sound, but the guys at GoPro seal it up immediately in a waterproof example, which muffles everything in the outside world. While this is corking for rainy days or water-based activities, information technology really puts the crunch on us airsoft filmmakers.

So, unless you're playing in an accented downpour of rain, I highly recommend swapping the back door out for the included skeleton-dorsum choice. If you really want to stride upward your game, pick upward the total skeleton instance to get the best audio available. (Pro-Tip: You can DIY your sealed case into a skeleton one past drilling a hole where the mic ports are on the side, just brand sure non to do itwhen your photographic camera is in in the example!)

Either way, it's going to requite you significantly better sound from your stock GoPro camera…and proficient sound is the cornerstone of a great video.


Now that you take the angle and audio down, it'south time to dive into the carte of your photographic camera to make the terminal changes.


Kickoff upward is resolution, and reverse to popular belief, bigger isn't always better, and in this case I'1000 inclined to recommend recording in today's Hard disk standard; 1080p.

The reason I'm recommending that versus some of the college, and newer resolutions is for a few solid reasons.

What proficient is a 4K paradigm if it caps you at only 24 frames per 2nd (aka: fps, and we'll tackle that in the next department below). There'due south no point in giving up frames only for a resolution that near people can't fifty-fifty view. Sure, YouTube is now allowing users to upload at 2K and 4K resolutions, but many people's PCs can't play those back smoothly… and that means that unless you have a beefy gaming or editing PC, your computer will have a tough fourth dimension editing those larger files.

Some other solid reason is that almost i half of YouTube views are from mobile devices, which (as of 2015) still play the video back at a much lower 720p resolution anyway, so if you programme on publishing the video to the web, there'due south not a solid reason to make the leap upwards just yet.

To wrap it all upwards, you demand to consider your memory card capacity. If you're recording at 2K or 4K, yous'll exist filling upward your retention carte du jour much faster vs recording at 1080p. In fact a 32GB retentivity card volition barely hold over an hour of video if yous are recording at 4K. The thing to take into account is the larger the resolution, the bigger the file and the less recording space. And so ever consider that when making a resolution selection.


This would have been an easy one a few months ago, simply starting in 2015, YouTube has immune videos to be uploaded at 60 frames per second. So, upwardly until then 30fps was the gold standard for action footage and 24fps was reserved for a more cinematic look, but with the new changes, you at present have options and 60fps can be a viable selection for our fast-paced globe of airsoft activity video.

Yet, like everything in video, in that location is a tradeoff. By pushing your frame charge per unit up to 60fps, yous'll be using your memory bill of fare storage space at 2X the rate, only in return y'all'll become an image that feels more lifelike and fluid. Bbs are more hands seen in the air and quick movements left and right won't be affected by the Rolling Shutter effect so many activeness cams are prone to at 30fps or lower (also known as the jello effect, rolling shutter is the appearance of an underwater look when panning side to side apace).

Another bonus of a college fps is that you tin can tiresome the footage downwards in post product to get those ballsy moments in "slow mo". Some GoPro cameras can tape at 120fps or fifty-fifty 240fps, so depending on what you're going for, yous have quite a few options to get those video game bullet-time-like shots.

So over again, information technology comes down to how long you'll be recording, how much space you'll need and if you have a figurer that can handle editing at 60fps or higher. That said, 30fps at 1080p is still the defacto standard for YouTube activeness videos.


This is a pretty easy one for us airsofters equally the GoPro only gives you iii major options; narrow, normal, wide and super wide(on some cameras). Since we're looking to get a full pic of what'south going on, we'll want to be shooting in the broad, or if you have it, super wide modes. This will give the best view of the battlefield and grab all the action.

The only time you would want to peradventure consider using the normal or narrow options is if y'all are using your camera as a gun cam and want to get the most resolution possible of your kills at a farther range.

Aside from that, I personally set up my camera in wide mode and forget almost it.

WHITE Residual

This is another "gimmie" setting and when information technology comes to your White Remainder, the machine setting is best. The GoPro is pretty good at figuring out what color temperature calorie-free it is reading and can conform the white balance appropriately and so your paradigm doesn't accept a blue or pinkish tint to it.

That said, if y'all plan on recording all outside in brilliant sunlight, you lot can consider setting to 5000K. For indoor activeness, you can test the options 3000K (warm) to 6500K (cool) to notice the correct color to go on your white residual looking neutral, but overall, I allow the GoPro make the choices here.


Now I'thousand going to allow y'all in on one of the best kept secrets of good YouTube activeness videos and it's all nearly the metering manner. I'm certain you've seen plenty of times on YouTube or in your own footage where you are inside a darker house or building and looking out a window just mowing down enemies, but when you review your footage, it's not what you saw with your eyes. Instead, your epic killstreak is nothing but an overly bright blob of light where your opponents should be outside the window, while your gun and the within are lit correctly.

The reason this happens is that, by default, the GoPro looks at the entire scene to determine what should be brilliant and what should be dark. And so in the case of the window, the bulk of the scene is dark (your gun, arm, the window sill and the rest of the room you are in) and just a small portion is vivid (what'south outside the window). Your GoPro takes the boilerplate of the shot and decides that since there is more dark than calorie-free, it should adjust the brightness for the darker areas. The result: your enemies outside the window are washed out and overexposed while the room is lit correctly.

Fear non, there'due south an easy prepare. By changing the metering mode to Spot Metering, you are at present telling your photographic camera to adjust the brightness of the scene based on what's in the middle of the photographic camera image versus taking into account the boilerplate of the entire image.

And so at present when you're getting that epic killstreak, your enemies are perfectly lit outside the window and the inside is darkened, just like you run across with your naked middle… and you lot'll never have unusable footage from this issue again!


The Protune option for the GoPro can really open the capabilities of the camera, but information technology'south not for everyone. While it does open upward a ton of editing options and a higher recording bitrate (increased quality and file size), it tin be taxing on your editing organisation and add quite a bit of time to your workflow. However, if you have a solid editing program like Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere along with a adept figurer, it can exist a groovy pick.

And so, for those who are ready to make the next step, bank check out the inset for my quick reference cheat-sheet for some of the more popular Protune settings.

Quality bump: College Bitrate with no additional editing fourth dimension
Protune: on
WB: Auto
Sharpness: Loftier
Colour: GoPro Color

Color Correct Ready: Higher Bitrate + Flatter profile westward/ quick edits
Protune: on
WB: Auto
Sharpness: Medium
Color: Flat color

All In: Total command in post- production, but extended edit time
Protune: on
Set WB: (exam shots to find best setting)
Sharpness: low
Color: Flat Colour
ISO: (Exam shots to find all-time ISO forbrightness vs racket)


Well form, that wraps up today's lesson and I hope y'all've learned something. Now information technology's time to put your pedagogy to work; so grab your camera, strap on your helmet and start recording your games today!

Gopro Hero 4 Setting for Airsoft

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